Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Know your voice

This morning was misty and  gloomy out, with a wind blowing through the palm out front. I really wasn't looking forward to going out for my morning constitution. I was thinking abut all the things I needed to do to prepare for the  Recycle Lewistown conference taking place this afternoon. I had to disengaged my brain and just let my feet take over or I wouldn't make it out of the door at all. As it ended up, a 30 minute walk around our half mile loop a few times did me good, helping me get my head back on track, too.

We really have many voices in us that help determine what we do or should do.  It just means knowing which voice to listen to and when. I would never have gotten any fresh air this morning if I had listened to my head.  My feet were the right voice to listen to that time. Then again, sometimes I need to listen to my gut over my head.

For instance, I feel that I should put my money where my mouth is with this recycling project that I initiated. However, my head could think of hundreds of other things to do with that money and my heart could think, like Michael's, that that money could go to feed some hungry people instead.  I know my gut is right on this one.  Hungry people are important to feed, but if that is the extent of our thinking about how we can help correct the problems of the world, then we have tunnel vision.

I learned something about pasta sauces last night.  A lot of a good thing is not necessarily a good thing.  I know the secret to a real Italian spaghetti sauce is the cream added to it. It gives the sauce a mellow taste and a perfect consistency.  However, when you keep adding more cream to the sauce because it is getting too thick, it doesn't improve it any. Then all you end up with is a sauce that tastes like the cream and nothing else.  Not the intended goal and not too tasty.  Doesn't seem that I listened to any of my voices that time.  But, if I learned something for the next time, that's what matters.

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