Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Pick yourself up

As the song goes," Pick your self up, dust yourself off and start all over again."  Or something along those lines.  Anyway that is my mantra today.  The recycle meeting went, if I were being honest with myself, as expected.  I was frustrated about not being in the room and not hearing everyone very well, much less being able to identify who was speaking each time. I realize I'm not getting this phone conferencing thing down very well.

Anyway, issues were posed that will sooner or later have to be dealt with, ie. The exposure of employees to toxic residues from the plastic.  I would think masks and rubber gloves used during handling should remedy that pretty well.  Also we would need to educate the public well to prevent that as much as possible.  The bottom line was there is much work yet to be done before even the grants can be applied for.  I have tried to fill in all the blanks I could and dot all the i's I knew about, but that wasn't enough.  Everyone who had been involved had thought we were getting it together pretty well, anyway.  Not.

What I came away with from the experience was a sense of defeat to an extent and wondering why in the world I ever thought I could pull this whole project off in the first place.  No wonder no one had taken on this challenge before.  They were just smarter than I am, I think.  They could see the pit falls ahead that I was oblivious to and fell right into.

Last night I was defeated.  But, this morning I woke up with my mind going a mile a minute with filling in all those blanks and dotting all those i's. I feel like one of those politicians running for office, every time they get knocked down they come back more powerful than ever.  Hooah!

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